The 15 year old actress Spencer Lacey Ganus who voiced the teenage character of Elsa in the Disney Blockbuster movie Frozen apparently only got paid a mere snippet from the reported $1.2 billion made at the box office.
When we say mere snippet we're talking a tiny $926, I mean if true that is absolutely shocking. Compared to the Huge profitable success that this movie made.
You could say that this young star made a snowflake out of a storm of success!
Reports are yet to be confirmed however TMZ have claimed that they saw her contract which stated she would be paid a one day, one-off payment for the work she did on the movie, and that's it!
But considering the Triumphant success of the movie which wouldn't have been predicted at the start, surely they could have given her a few extra quid out of those massive profits? Tight buggers!
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Friday, 14 November 2014
Amelle takes a pop at Cheryl
Amelle Berrabah Slams Cheryl Fernandez-Versini singing ability by tweeting Simon Cowell to ask why he hires singers who cannot sing to judge others, she then goes onto say that he should have stuck with the very talented Nicole Sherzinger instead because "#NicoleWasGreat&CanSingButSheGoneNow" followed by some Love and appreciation for MelB!
Jeez she certainly knows how to stick the knife in doesn't she?
Many would agree with Amelle but you cannot knock Cheryl for her success despite her ability, if people are going to buy her music although she mimes live, that's up to them and is not exactly Cheryl's fault really is it?
Judge It for yourself, what do you think of her new album?.....
The petite star looks amazing in her new calender, I guess sexy sells...
Jeez she certainly knows how to stick the knife in doesn't she?
Many would agree with Amelle but you cannot knock Cheryl for her success despite her ability, if people are going to buy her music although she mimes live, that's up to them and is not exactly Cheryl's fault really is it?
Judge It for yourself, what do you think of her new album?.....
The petite star looks amazing in her new calender, I guess sexy sells...
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Cheryl Fernandez-Versini "I don't care" she say's but does she?
Cheryl Fernandez-Versini reckons she 'don't care' about much any more, the star is at a new stage in her life (complete with new dashing French Hubby JB) where she doesn't care about the little things in life any more, oh except if you get her tongue tangling double-barrelled new name wrong, she deffo cares about that!
she said: "It's come quite naturally, you know. People are so ignorant about it, they just start calling us Cheryl, but I'll take that, whatever."
Anyway congratulations are in order as Chezza becomes the first female Brit to get 5 number 1 singles (although many say she can't actually sing) and its reported that she's been offered a whopping 2 Million to return to the X-factor next year so she's laughing all the way to the bank, despite her critics.
she said: "It's come quite naturally, you know. People are so ignorant about it, they just start calling us Cheryl, but I'll take that, whatever."
Anyway congratulations are in order as Chezza becomes the first female Brit to get 5 number 1 singles (although many say she can't actually sing) and its reported that she's been offered a whopping 2 Million to return to the X-factor next year so she's laughing all the way to the bank, despite her critics.
Kim Kard-ass-ian naked photo shoot!
The controversial photo shoot of Kim Kardashian has gone viral on the web, The reality star was seen exposing her infamous curvy behind yesterday and today she has gone further will a full frontal extravaganza.
There has been speculation over whether or not Kim Kardashian has been photo shopped to make the star appear even more curvier than she really is? (if that is even possible!)
Like it or loathe it, she has the guts to go all out that's for sure, but is it really necessary for a mother to be doing these kinds of shoots now? I mean its not as though she is strapped for cash or anything and I'm sure she is way past the ahem... 'Lets make a sex tape to get famous stage' !
What are your thoughts on this?
Fancy Firming up your behind like KimK? why not try a dab of this for a quick fix >

There has been speculation over whether or not Kim Kardashian has been photo shopped to make the star appear even more curvier than she really is? (if that is even possible!)
Like it or loathe it, she has the guts to go all out that's for sure, but is it really necessary for a mother to be doing these kinds of shoots now? I mean its not as though she is strapped for cash or anything and I'm sure she is way past the ahem... 'Lets make a sex tape to get famous stage' !
What are your thoughts on this?
Fancy Firming up your behind like KimK? why not try a dab of this for a quick fix >

Friday, 7 November 2014
What is wrong with Beyonce ?
I must say that this video of Beyonce is rather disturbing.
The star can be seen looking a little spaced out and rocking from side to side as she watches the basketball with husband Jay Z.
Its far from the usual calm and collected Queen Bey that we are all used to, lets hope she is well and just having an off-day.
What are your thoughts on this?
The star can be seen looking a little spaced out and rocking from side to side as she watches the basketball with husband Jay Z.
Its far from the usual calm and collected Queen Bey that we are all used to, lets hope she is well and just having an off-day.
What are your thoughts on this?
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Stevi Richie Exposed as XFactor FAKE!
Stevi Richie is exposed as a massive FAKE contestant, claiming that things like Xfactor never happen to him although its been exposed that he has 23 years of experience in the industry, he has appeared in shows such as EastEnders, Holby City and Casualty as well as on stage in the West End and London Palladium,
And here he is singing Music of the night
Stevi can be found On star now known as Steven Ritchie (NOT STEVI RICHIE HENCE THE NAME CHANGE, ANOTHER COY!)and he also claims to have made it to the final of American Idol in 2012 although he was axed from the show for not being american!
Is it me or does this show get worse?
No wonder ratings are dropping, its a massive CON!
And here he is singing Music of the night
Stevi can be found On star now known as Steven Ritchie (NOT STEVI RICHIE HENCE THE NAME CHANGE, ANOTHER COY!)and he also claims to have made it to the final of American Idol in 2012 although he was axed from the show for not being american!
Is it me or does this show get worse?
No wonder ratings are dropping, its a massive CON!
I'm A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here! Launch date revealed
I'm A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here!
With the launch date of I'm A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here! revealed as Sunday 16 November people are already starting to speculate which celebs are the likely candidates for the 14th series of the hit show.
ITV confirmed the broadcasting by publishing a photo of hosts Ant and Dec with the date of the launch via #twitter.
And so far the potential favourites seems to stars such as Hollyoaks actress Gemma Merna, Towie star Gemma Collins (although others seem to think it could be Jessica Wright due to her recent public break up with co star Ricky Rayment)Geordie Shores Vicky Pattison, Desperate Housewives star Teri Hatcher, Alex Reid ex husband of Katie Price, TV Presenter Melanie Sykes, Olympians Nicola Adams and Tom Daley, Coronation Street beauty Michelle Keegan, magician Dynamo and Manu captain Roy Keane.
Watch this space!
Monday, 3 November 2014
OOPS Chezza caused quite a storm on twitter following her performance on X Factor Sunday night, The newly wed pop princess appeared to miming to her latest hit 'I don't Care' much to the disappointment of viewers.
To make matters worse, Gaby Roslin insisted it was LIVE on this mornings 'Good Morning Britain' during an interview with last nights booted off contestant Lola Saunders.
According to Gaby .....
"Well, she actually pre-recorded her song but she sung.............Live! That's the absolute official line, because of the set, because of her outfit. Yeah OK!
"You know what everyone just wants to Cheryl Bash" Huh, ironic isn't it considering she bashes other contestants on the show, who actually do perform live!
So Hold on, what was Gaby watching because this is a downright lie, what are they paying you Gab to contrive utter cods-wallop?
.........she was Deffo miming so shove that in your cake hole cuz I dont care Aw naw!
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Tesco profits down, chairman set to quit!
Tesco Profits down, Chairman set to quit!
Tesco have reported a surge in profits, its reported a 92pc fall in pre-tax profits. The retail giants profit surge is thought to be at around £263m and much larger than the initial forecast of £250m.
Chairman Sir Richard Broadbent has announced that he will stand down once the newly appointed chief executive Dave Lewis is established, Its thought it will be some time next year.
It begs the question, why is Tesco suffering?
lately it seems that the situation for Tesco is going from bad to worse. Tesco are losing their custom to competitive retailers and people are not connecting with the brand in the way that they used to.
Retail giants such as Asda, Sainsbury's, and Waitrose have always been a competitive source for the brand but lets not forget that they are all in competition with each other also, so why is Tesco struggling the most?
It could be that newer brands such as Aldi and Lidl are now very credible game players, over the last few years these smaller brands have grew and are continuing to grow, people are using these supermarkets more so now than ever before and the big reason being, it must be cheaper.
Its no secret that people have suffered hard times in this country over the last few years, household incomes are now much less now than what they once were. Weekly Grocery shopping is a big expense for many families and at a time were people are cutting back and trying to save the pennies we aim to get more for what little we have. If that means that we can get cheaper food elsewhere whilst retaining quality, then so be it!
Now Tesco.... Word of advice, listen to the consumer......!!
Speaking of which, I've recently been in contact Tesco myself, I have a great marketing strategy for supermarkets. Tesco as you are aware I reached out to you first of all mainly because its obvious you are need of some drastic change. This idea may make a difference if only you could be bothered to look at it?
I'm a consumer but I don't shop at Tesco, But if you were to use my idea, I 100% would, and after running it by many of my friends and family who also prefer other brands to Tesco, they all concluded that they would shop there too, hence my reason for approaching you!
But because I'm not a university graduate with a degree in marketing, I suspect you feel I'm not qualified to approach major brands with new ideas. If that's the case, its a shame because no doubt you pay your employers (within this field) vast amounts of money to do this job, yet what they are doing to help promote business, is obviously failing!
The balls in your court!
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
X factors Cheryl, "disgusting" slams former contestant Katie Waissel.
X factors Cheryl, "disgusting" slams former contestant Katie Waissel.
- The former X factor contestant Katie Waissel is not a massive of fan of comeback queen Chezza.
- She branded her "disgusting" when referring to her actions on this years show then later confessed her own thoughts on the show.
- ‘She’s the only one who’s been disgusting to be honest, to make such comments, you’re like, “Wait, who are you?”‘It’s annoying, it’s not even TV, it’s just nasty. Simon Cowell has given her a second chance. She should make the most of it. It’s a bit of a s**t show, to be honest.’closely followed by,
- ‘If I could turn back time and not fill out that form, I would give every penny in my bank account to do so.’
- So what are our thoughts on this?
- people often speculate about it being a fix or a shambles, former x factor winners do not have the best reputation when it comes to success- with only a mere few making it big, and its blatantly obvious that some are put through for entertainment purposes over talent.
- Katie Waissel was never a popular contestant, her eccentricity caused quite a stir-with her own stint on the show, so its no surprise then that her latest comments have not gone down well with everyone, But lets not forget, Katie was never one to shy away from speaking her mind and since she has experienced the whole charade herself im intrigued to hear more!
Brenda Leyland, trolls and tribulations!
Brenda Leyland, trolls and tribulations!
Brenda Leyland was found dead following interrogation into her private life and identity when #Skynews turned up on her doorstep unexpected.
She was unfairly accused by Sky of troll like behaviour, via twitter, under a secret anonymous account aka @sweepyface. Sky were thought to have gained this information from a secret dossier compiled by pro #mccann support and its reported that the dossier may have been handed into the police for further investigation around early September.
How Sky got hold of that information is another question?
Its been reported that this dossier contained a compilation of hatred and annoyance on social network sites, which was deliberately targeted towards Kate and Gerry McCann, the parents of missing Madeleine McCann.
Apparently the Police were never investigating Brenda Leyland and rightly so because you only have to look at the difference between the kind of tweeting she did in comparison to those who tweeted her, In my opinion these are real trolls.
Take a look at the disgust,
Its hardly surprising that the Police wouldn't investigate Brenda because at worst she tweeted 'I hope they suffer' and she called someone a 'f***tard but hardly extreme abuse, and never targeted directly to the McCann's because they are not on twitter, and nor do they read tweets, according to Gerry McCann.
So its suspiciously looking more like some sort of planned movement deliberately enforced by the Pro McCann. Perhaps Police weren't too fussed about this dossier? perhaps its not as serious as they proclaim it to be? its certainly not as vulgar when you compare it to those tweets above, that's for sure!
Maybe that's why Sky news were called in? !!!
Monday, 6 October 2014
Brenda Leyland becomes the next victim of the whole McCann saga!
Brenda Leyland becomes the next victim of the whole McCann saga!
I'm not going to refer to 63 year old Brenda Leyland as a McCann troll because to be quite frank she doesn't really deserve that title, it is far from the truth and she has certainly not acted in the way she has been reported to have, You only have to read her tweets to see that she was not exactly targeting abuse towards the McCann's but more so trying to spread the message to the world, as are many others (in fact thousands) who find the McCann's version of events to be unbelievable. Ironically though, those tweets from the pro McCann clan are by far the worse when it comes to being abusive, I've seen it and read it many times myself.
How can anybody possibly say that Brenda Leyland was targeting abuse by "wrongly accusing the McCann's" of having played part in the disappearance of Madeleine? have these people actually read the PJ files? most of the tweets Brenda posted were factual evidence sourced from the PJ files and in her defence the files are incredibly suspicious! So how is she wrong? the last I heard nobody knew the truth, nobody Knows what happened to Madeleine because she has never been found, therefore who are we to judge who is right or wrong?
There has been no trial on this case and no convictions so we cannot determine the absolute truth about what really happened to Madeleine McCann but what seems to be recurring regularly is that for anyone who dares to disagree with the McCann's they get vilified for it, Just look at what's happened to the former detective Gonacalo Amarol even though his documentary and book "The truth of a lie" is very compelling and factual based may I add.
People may say that Goncalo is wrong as its simply just 'detective work' because he wasn't there when Madeleine went missing, I would say neither were the McCann's because they were too busy boozing at the time, so in actual fact both sides have a theory to tell but nobody can say who's is the truth. Questionably though Goncalo has never changed his theory throughout this whole case whereas the McCann's have changed their statements many times, many people would accuse them of tailoring the evidence to fit the case. who knows?
People may say that Goncalo is wrong as its simply just 'detective work' because he wasn't there when Madeleine went missing, I would say neither were the McCann's because they were too busy boozing at the time, so in actual fact both sides have a theory to tell but nobody can say who's is the truth. Questionably though Goncalo has never changed his theory throughout this whole case whereas the McCann's have changed their statements many times, many people would accuse them of tailoring the evidence to fit the case. who knows?
But surely we should be allowed to make up my own minds based on the evidence put before us? Why cant we to decide who we want to believe?
#Skynews and #MartinBrunt have gone a step too far this time, unlike Brenda, who only ever tweeted about the McCann's on line, they thought they were justified in actually going one step further by turning up on her doorstep. They targeted her and humiliated her publicly.They outed her and felt justified in showing the world what she looked like and where to find her, she must have been scared out of her wits. How is this not victimisation? how is this not trolling also? Do you think this is fair?
#Skynews and #MartinBrunt have gone a step too far this time, unlike Brenda, who only ever tweeted about the McCann's on line, they thought they were justified in actually going one step further by turning up on her doorstep. They targeted her and humiliated her publicly.They outed her and felt justified in showing the world what she looked like and where to find her, she must have been scared out of her wits. How is this not victimisation? how is this not trolling also? Do you think this is fair?
I actually don't blame Brenda Leyland for having an anonymous twitter account (aka @Sweepyface) to speak her mind, because lets face it, those who dare speak out against the McCann's are doing so at their own risk, expect to be threatened, expect to be sued, and expect to be dragged to court. First it was Tony Bennett, then Amarol and now this poor women has lost her life.
Enough is enough, Brenda is not alone in her thoughts so why did sky target her in such a ridiculing way?
#Skynews explain yourself.......????
Friday, 3 October 2014
Madeleine McCann Circus hits the headlines again!
Madeleine McCann Circus hits the headlines again!
Did any of you watch the Sky news report regarding the McCann's online abuse last night?
If you missed it, you can catch up on the story here
I have mixed feelings about this, To be honest I don't think anyone has the right to abuse, promote abuse or encourage abuse towards anybody on line, however if you choose to publicly put yourself out there (and lets face it The McCann's didn't wasted no time in calling Sky), you're bound to get a bit of back lash. Although there's often positives in self promotion also, generally that's just the way it goes!
Whether or not you feel its morally correct, people have no right to take the law into their own hands to get a reaction, that is a given, however I fully understand the frustration regarding the Madeleine McCann case.
To say its suspicious is an understatement and the majority of abuse online seems to be fuelled by the peoples anger, people feel deceived by this story. The longer it has dragged on, the more evidence has comes to light, and the more suspicious it gets, yet still, nobody seems to want to answer any questions, some of which are incredibly viable.
What makes matters worse is the fact that you are labelled as a 'Troll' for questioning anything via twitter or Facebook, but why? for simply asking? of course that fuels more frustration and anger, its bound to. Whatever happened to freedom of speech?
Most administrators (of the facebook pages) do not and will not allow any kind of threatening behaviour, they often promote composure and calmness and will only ever allow evidential facts to be discussed. so why is it then OK to associate those who don't comply with the McCann theory as being somewhat insanely mental?
I find it incredibly harsh to label all those who question the story trolls and Id actually go as far saying its verging on being offensive also.
Many members are extremely intelligent and are simply seeking justice for this Madeleine and that is there ultimate goal.
Lets not forget the McCann's have never faced a trial for this incident, nor have they ever been prosecuted for child neglect so who's to say who's right or wrong? the truth is, nobody really knows!
If the McCann's answered their Critics rather than choose to ignore it or spout out ridiculous answers such "ASK THE DOGS" (aka Gerry) then it may well subside a little but instead the way they choose to operate looks incredibly financial based. 'If it doesn't pay, they will not say'. I'm sorry but that is just not good enough especially when you claim to seek public support. If you want public support interact with them, if you are innocent (and you may well be) why the need for arrogance?
As far as I can see, you are not doing much to keep the public on your side and you seem more interested in fighting anyone and anything that puts a stumbling block in your way, which only fuels the negativity.
No wonder people are sceptical!
Friday, 26 September 2014
Strictly come dancing is coming........!
Strictly starts tonight, tune in at 9pm on BBC1 and get in on the action. my money is on Saturdays Star and new Mum Frankie Sandford this year.
Here she is with pal Caroline Flack, also a contestant, looking glam dropping by the BBC studios,
Here she is with pal Caroline Flack, also a contestant, looking glam dropping by the BBC studios,
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Take that fan? massive news for you!
I suspect Take That fans are not going to be happy about the latest news out today, one band member has decided to quite the band,
Yes, that's Jason Orange! He has bid is fair well to the band because he feels its the right time to go, He insists its not due to falling s out or anything else. Apparently after the last tour he just knew that the time had come.
Take That rejoined as a band and have endured massive success in recent years,so much so, it probably beat their first attempt at conquering the music industry however with news such as Mark Owen's infidelity and Gary Barlow's tax avoidance rumours their reputation has taken a bit of hit.
Do you think Jason has made the correct decision to leave the band?
Yes, that's Jason Orange! He has bid is fair well to the band because he feels its the right time to go, He insists its not due to falling s out or anything else. Apparently after the last tour he just knew that the time had come.
Take That rejoined as a band and have endured massive success in recent years,so much so, it probably beat their first attempt at conquering the music industry however with news such as Mark Owen's infidelity and Gary Barlow's tax avoidance rumours their reputation has taken a bit of hit.
Do you think Jason has made the correct decision to leave the band?
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Car 'aline' flack! Check out Caroline Flacks new bob!
Check out Caroline Flacks new sexy jaw length bob, she's took the plunge and hacked of all of her tousled tresses in favour of a new A line style bob, do we Love or loathe?
We're giving it the big thumbs up!
Frankie Sandford steals Wayne Bridges style and looks totally hot!
Frankie Sandford and Wayne Bridge step out in matching attire but unlike other celebs who have tried and often failed before them, fortunately for them they do it well.
It always helps if you can get away with wearing something similar to your boyfriend but without looking too boyish and Frankie wears masculine chic well ,she knows just how to style her look perfectly. Unlike other members of Girl band Saturdays who prefer a more feminine look Frankie usually goes for a trendy smart kind of style, nevertheless she always looks hot.
We're loving Frankies style right now, and her choppy short locks are to die for, if only we all had a face like that to pull it off....... dammmm!!!!!
It always helps if you can get away with wearing something similar to your boyfriend but without looking too boyish and Frankie wears masculine chic well ,she knows just how to style her look perfectly. Unlike other members of Girl band Saturdays who prefer a more feminine look Frankie usually goes for a trendy smart kind of style, nevertheless she always looks hot.
We're loving Frankies style right now, and her choppy short locks are to die for, if only we all had a face like that to pull it off....... dammmm!!!!!
Friday, 29 August 2014
Cheryl Cole Weight Gain
Cheryl Hits back...... at Simon Cowell
Simon has revealed that before Cheryl was fired from the US version of Xfactor, she had gained a little weight and in true Cheryl style, she bites back..... good on ya girl!
The Xfactor is set to return this weekend, lets hope they've got their gloves on ready.
Simon has revealed that before Cheryl was fired from the US version of Xfactor, she had gained a little weight and in true Cheryl style, she bites back..... good on ya girl!
The Xfactor is set to return this weekend, lets hope they've got their gloves on ready.
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
ALS ICE BUCKET Challenge, swearing toddler's apology
Many may have probably seen the internet sensational Toddler who managed to get 40,000 hits on Youtube as she spurted out F***ing hell during her ALS Ice Bucket challenge. Some laughed as others showed disgust....
I suppose it was funny but definitely not cool and shouldn't be encouraged in any way.
Anyway the tots mother from Walsall West Midlands has now attempted an apology but the little girl didn't seem too keen to oblige, Mom say's "It was a naught word" but 3 year old Scarlett-Rose Davis makes a sharp exit.....
Probably thinking you must be F***ing kidding me.... but hopefully not!
If you are attempting the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, don't forget to donate......
TEXT ICED55 £5 to 70070 to donate £5
Katie Price and her new baby!
Katie Price is at it again, trying to fool the world into thinking that every picture she posts is of her new baby girl.
Take this new one for instance,
Nobody could be fooled by that because for one she had brighter blonde hair back then. Two, she looked much younger and less fake...(oops, did I actually just say that, he he) and 3 that cute little baby face is unmistakably princess.
Ok, so maybe she did give it away with the captian, "Love my princess so much"
But even so, we all know that nobody is likely to see a real picture of the new baby girl until its been published all over a Glossy Mag like OK or Hello (because they pay mega bucks of course and we don't) But since that hasn't happened yet, I suspect she's not happy with the offers which have rolled in so far....
Who knows?..... anyway if she thinks we are still falling for this, believing that we may get a free pic ahead of the Big bucks mags.......... I seriously believe that she may be slightly deluded!
Oh well, at least it keeps her entertained, I suppose....... and us in a funny kind of way :)
Take this new one for instance,
Ok, so maybe she did give it away with the captian, "Love my princess so much"
But even so, we all know that nobody is likely to see a real picture of the new baby girl until its been published all over a Glossy Mag like OK or Hello (because they pay mega bucks of course and we don't) But since that hasn't happened yet, I suspect she's not happy with the offers which have rolled in so far....
Who knows?..... anyway if she thinks we are still falling for this, believing that we may get a free pic ahead of the Big bucks mags.......... I seriously believe that she may be slightly deluded!
Oh well, at least it keeps her entertained, I suppose....... and us in a funny kind of way :)
Love Michelle Keegan For Lipsy
Michelle Keegan is one classy Bird right now!
Michelle Keegan who currently has her own fashion range Michelle Keegan For Lipsy is on fire right now. This girl cannot put a foot wrong when it comes to knowing how to dress, from classy to casual she always maintains that Celebrity style perfection.

What makes Michelle's brand a success is the fact that she knows how to dress effortlessly, she's not too fussy with putting a look together, its about simplicity styling and of course being extremely beautiful always helps.
We are loving her new range at Lipsy because it also means that we too can have that celebrity style look for less.
If you want a slice of Keegan Gorgeousness right now, then check out her fabulous range at Lipsy, Click the Link on the sidebar >>
Michelle Keegan who currently has her own fashion range Michelle Keegan For Lipsy is on fire right now. This girl cannot put a foot wrong when it comes to knowing how to dress, from classy to casual she always maintains that Celebrity style perfection.
What makes Michelle's brand a success is the fact that she knows how to dress effortlessly, she's not too fussy with putting a look together, its about simplicity styling and of course being extremely beautiful always helps.
We are loving her new range at Lipsy because it also means that we too can have that celebrity style look for less.
If you want a slice of Keegan Gorgeousness right now, then check out her fabulous range at Lipsy, Click the Link on the sidebar >>
Kim Kardashian avoids Queen Bee Beyonce at VMAs
Kim Kardashian West reportedly avoided Beyoncé Knowles at the MTV Video Music Awards.
the reality star is rumoured to have purposely avoided Beyonce who is married to Jay Z for opting to skip their wedding of the year.
When Kim married Kanye West in Italy in May and the famous duo didn't attend,its suspected that Kim feels beyonce is to blame for Jay Z not showing up to support his best pal Kanye. Kim feels that its a selfish act on beyonces behalf and that she could have at least made an effort to speak to her about it. To add salt to the wounds its even been suggested that Jay Z chose a trip to the Hamptons over attending the wedding feeling it was more their style.
Round two, over to you Beyonce...
Sunday, 1 June 2014
Katie Price love triangle now becomes a foursome!
Well not exactly a foursome but this is what we are learning. (hope you can keep up!)
So, first of all Katie Price finds out that new husband Keiran Hayler is cheating on her with ex-best friend Jane Pountney, (You know that "full blown sexual affair" rant that we all read over twitter.)
Well, apparently when a furious Katie Price aka Jordan went to visit Jane and her husband (at their home) to have it out with her, Jane's Husband (who at the time tried to downplay it all) Derrick Pountney confessed that he was having an affair too, You keeping up?
Yes, it now seems that Derrick was also cheating on Jane, whilst Jane was cheating on Derrick with Keiran who was also cheating on Katie Price. (Jeez, I need a lie down!)
and although Derrick seemed to be playing the victim along with Kate, we now learn that he too is a cheat (the dark horse him) and that the only real victim in all of this is Katie, or so it seems!
I suspect that the next thing we will hear about is probably how low Jane felt after suspecting her husband was cheating on her, and how this probably made her feel heartbroken, unwanted, hurt and maybe resentful. Following this maybe she confided in keiran (on holiday) and he gladly offered her a shoulder to cry on, plus a few extra treatments to make her feel special again! Wink Wink!
And all this must have happened at a time when he was still making babies with Kate, (Talk about having your cake and eating it!)
So, first of all Katie Price finds out that new husband Keiran Hayler is cheating on her with ex-best friend Jane Pountney, (You know that "full blown sexual affair" rant that we all read over twitter.)
Well, apparently when a furious Katie Price aka Jordan went to visit Jane and her husband (at their home) to have it out with her, Jane's Husband (who at the time tried to downplay it all) Derrick Pountney confessed that he was having an affair too, You keeping up?
Yes, it now seems that Derrick was also cheating on Jane, whilst Jane was cheating on Derrick with Keiran who was also cheating on Katie Price. (Jeez, I need a lie down!)
and although Derrick seemed to be playing the victim along with Kate, we now learn that he too is a cheat (the dark horse him) and that the only real victim in all of this is Katie, or so it seems!
I suspect that the next thing we will hear about is probably how low Jane felt after suspecting her husband was cheating on her, and how this probably made her feel heartbroken, unwanted, hurt and maybe resentful. Following this maybe she confided in keiran (on holiday) and he gladly offered her a shoulder to cry on, plus a few extra treatments to make her feel special again! Wink Wink!
And all this must have happened at a time when he was still making babies with Kate, (Talk about having your cake and eating it!)
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
Jay Z, Beyonce and Solange Fights, divorces, rumours.....
Ok, since Solange Knowles had a bust up in the elevator with Jay Z, tearing him yo shreds by the looks of it.............. ooops!
But on a more serious note, the world has since become obsessed by this, particularly because Beyonce Knowles didn't really do a lot to stop it, did she?
Well, we all know that must mean Jay Z did something wrong (its not rocket science), and loyal sis Solange (good on her) was just sticking up for her sibling.
so the press speculates about what he's done, and then rumours start flying around about some convo Jay Z apparently had with an ex flame..... oh wow big deal!
Whether there is more to it or not, why the instant need to start publishing false DIVORCE DRAMA everywhere??? it may have been a simple misunderstanding, it may be related to something totally different, it may be because they just do not get on really.... who knows? who cares?
What annoys me is the way the press try to make every celebrity incident into something that it probably isn't! Why? just so that you can make some big ass sales off the back of it?
The truth is, All press and newspapers would love to hear that a divorce is on the cards, because they could sell more crap and make tons of wads off the back off it! But guess what? these celebrities may be rich but they are also human (just like you and me!) and what if a DIVORCE is not on the cards at all? What if you are actually causing the shit in their lives right now? do you care? (most likely not!)
I guess your all on missions to do your dam-nest to destroy this couple................................!!!!
What a sad situation!
But on a more serious note, the world has since become obsessed by this, particularly because Beyonce Knowles didn't really do a lot to stop it, did she?
Well, we all know that must mean Jay Z did something wrong (its not rocket science), and loyal sis Solange (good on her) was just sticking up for her sibling.
so the press speculates about what he's done, and then rumours start flying around about some convo Jay Z apparently had with an ex flame..... oh wow big deal!
Whether there is more to it or not, why the instant need to start publishing false DIVORCE DRAMA everywhere??? it may have been a simple misunderstanding, it may be related to something totally different, it may be because they just do not get on really.... who knows? who cares?
What annoys me is the way the press try to make every celebrity incident into something that it probably isn't! Why? just so that you can make some big ass sales off the back of it?
The truth is, All press and newspapers would love to hear that a divorce is on the cards, because they could sell more crap and make tons of wads off the back off it! But guess what? these celebrities may be rich but they are also human (just like you and me!) and what if a DIVORCE is not on the cards at all? What if you are actually causing the shit in their lives right now? do you care? (most likely not!)
I guess your all on missions to do your dam-nest to destroy this couple................................!!!!
What a sad situation!
Kate Middleton and that cheeky snap!
So kate Middleton has a wardrobe malfunction and flashes a bit of bottom and the world goes crazy!
First of all, why should she wear weights in her hems? why should she cover up her modesty to fit royal standards or the expectations of those onlookers? She's a young modern royal, she's always well dressed, well spoken and she does a bloody good job of it, even though her life must very difficult. Give her a break! She doesn't have to wear granny pants if she doesn't want to. she wore a dress that covered her ass! more than likely she had thongs underneath, like most girls do! And I'm pretty sure she didn't intend on that gush of wind blowing up her dress to offer the world an eyeful!
Instead of slating the young princess, why don't the paparazzi try to be a bit more modest, snapping a woman like that is perverted to start with, how dare they? then to broadcast it to the world, even if they did not actually publish the pics themselves, is down right disrespectful!
Can't believe she has been criticised for this, What an absolute Cheek (excuse the pun!)
Kate If only you could respond publicly,
You could tell them all too............. kiss my A.... Ahem!
First of all, why should she wear weights in her hems? why should she cover up her modesty to fit royal standards or the expectations of those onlookers? She's a young modern royal, she's always well dressed, well spoken and she does a bloody good job of it, even though her life must very difficult. Give her a break! She doesn't have to wear granny pants if she doesn't want to. she wore a dress that covered her ass! more than likely she had thongs underneath, like most girls do! And I'm pretty sure she didn't intend on that gush of wind blowing up her dress to offer the world an eyeful!
Instead of slating the young princess, why don't the paparazzi try to be a bit more modest, snapping a woman like that is perverted to start with, how dare they? then to broadcast it to the world, even if they did not actually publish the pics themselves, is down right disrespectful!
Can't believe she has been criticised for this, What an absolute Cheek (excuse the pun!)
Kate If only you could respond publicly,
You could tell them all too............. kiss my A.... Ahem!
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
1D headed in the wrong Direction...pot smoking
The Clean cut One Direction show how not so squeaky clean the really are as Zayn malik sparks up a fat joint and jokes about it...... Great Role Models lads, Just great!
Katie Price married a Sex Addict... whatever next!
Ok, so we now have to listen grovelling Keiran Hayler spouting out crap, as he desperately tries to save his marriage with Katie Price.
Apparently its not his fault that he was knocking off Kates bessie Jane Pountney as he has a problem with keeping it in his trousers, no seriously! He has now confessed to being a Sex addict and is currently undergoing treatment at rehab at a cost of £2,500 a day.... U what? No wonder he is selling all these stories!
Bizarrely though, Whilst in there he has found time to pen a lovely letter to Jane just to tell her how it was nothing other than a "Dirty-Sleazy-Sh**" Nice..... I'm sure that will really help to repair the damage!
Apparently its not his fault that he was knocking off Kates bessie Jane Pountney as he has a problem with keeping it in his trousers, no seriously! He has now confessed to being a Sex addict and is currently undergoing treatment at rehab at a cost of £2,500 a day.... U what? No wonder he is selling all these stories!
Bizarrely though, Whilst in there he has found time to pen a lovely letter to Jane just to tell her how it was nothing other than a "Dirty-Sleazy-Sh**" Nice..... I'm sure that will really help to repair the damage!
WOW.... first glimpse of the fabulous Kim Kardashian Wedding gown!
These amazing pictures from the Dailymail reveal the full extent of how fabulously lavish Kim Kardashian and Kanye Wests Itallian wedding actually was.
With no expense spared of course, prepare to be amazed at how stunning Kim looks in this Custom -made Givenchy Haute Couture wedding gown which shows off her infamous curves perfectly.
With no expense spared of course, prepare to be amazed at how stunning Kim looks in this Custom -made Givenchy Haute Couture wedding gown which shows off her infamous curves perfectly.
Sunday, 25 May 2014
Katie Price Gets her Karma!
Do we feel sorry for Katie Price following recent events involving her cheating husband Kieran Hayler with best friend Jane Pountney, or is it a classic case of Karma bites back?
As more details surrounding the story emerge we have to ask if Karma really does exist, as awful as it may seem for a woman to find herself in this scenario, was it inevitable that it was bound to happen?
Some might say it was, Others may see a very vulnerable woman with extremely low self-esteem that has created her own downfall.
I see a combination of both, what are your thoughts?
As more details surrounding the story emerge we have to ask if Karma really does exist, as awful as it may seem for a woman to find herself in this scenario, was it inevitable that it was bound to happen?
Some might say it was, Others may see a very vulnerable woman with extremely low self-esteem that has created her own downfall.
I see a combination of both, what are your thoughts?
'Kimye' exclusive inside peek into the wedding of the year, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West
Take a first look at the Wedding of year, with these exclusive inside pics...
Sunday, 11 May 2014
BREAKING NEWS!!! Cheryl Cole, Amanda Holden and Simon Cowells Mrs, X factor
Apparently Simon Cowells Mrs Lauren Silverman, Cheryl Cole and Amanda Holden are best of chums!
And already there is talk of a new addition to the Cowell brood
Read more on the gossip below!
And already there is talk of a new addition to the Cowell brood
Read more on the gossip below!
Kim Kardashian wears White for bridal shower
Kim Kardashian in all white for Bridal shower, is the big day any time soon?
Katie Price "Caught in the act" The moment I caught my husband cheating!
Apparently after raised suspicions Katie Price caught cheating husband and best friend snogging on the beach whilst on holiday recently...... Ooops!
Read more here,
Read more here,
Thursday, 8 May 2014
Madeleine McCann Diggin for the truth!
Let's hope some truth finally comes out of this one!
Digging for the truth as to what really happened to Madeleine McCann
The world awaits with baited breath.......................
Digging for the truth as to what really happened to Madeleine McCann
The world awaits with baited breath.......................
Katie Price and the Cheating Publicity Stunt!
Ok, So Did he Cheat on her or Did she cheat on us?
In case you missed it
Yesterday we all heard about the news that Katie Prices new Husband Kieran Hayler had supposedly cheated on her, over a period of 9 months, with Katie's best Friend of 20 years Jane Pountney.
Its not surprising then that team Katie fans, what's left of them, were out in full force offering their support to the Model via Twitter, where Katie herself broke the news.
However today, it seems the story has changed dramatically following a publicised statement from Jane Pountney's husband who has now down played the accusations claiming that the whole situation has been blown out of proportion, according to Derek Pountney, who has known about it for months, he says it's not a "full Blown affair" but merely a "Drunken Kiss" He goes on to express how katie and Jane have spoken, shed a few tears and pretty much made up! Huh??
So what was it? "A sexual Affair" or Drunken Snog Katie?
It gets better!
To add further confusion to the story we are now hearing that Katie herself may have also known about this for a while and how Kieran, according to a pal has called katie Mad when she confronted him about it.
So what's the chances that Katie ranted out to the world during a moment of madness, perhaps? She most probably feels a little down right now, after recently giving birth, being 6 months pregnant and knowing that her new hubby has been smooching with her best pal? Its a normal reaction right?
But in Katies world it goes beyond that as she's in the public eye and anything she says is played out on mass scale. She knew it would shame those around her and she certainly likes revenge doesn't she?
Buts it not all bad!
She got a lot of sympathy votes, even from supporters she may have lost over the years, it boosted her profile, she is back in the public eye for now, and its offered her back the support she was losing.
Or at least it did! If only she had carried the story for longer than half a day it may have further helped her career however it hasn't taken long for many people to already realise that this was probably just another Katie style publicity stunt..............
Damn you Derek for ruining it for her again!!!!!
In case you missed it
Yesterday we all heard about the news that Katie Prices new Husband Kieran Hayler had supposedly cheated on her, over a period of 9 months, with Katie's best Friend of 20 years Jane Pountney.
Its not surprising then that team Katie fans, what's left of them, were out in full force offering their support to the Model via Twitter, where Katie herself broke the news.
However today, it seems the story has changed dramatically following a publicised statement from Jane Pountney's husband who has now down played the accusations claiming that the whole situation has been blown out of proportion, according to Derek Pountney, who has known about it for months, he says it's not a "full Blown affair" but merely a "Drunken Kiss" He goes on to express how katie and Jane have spoken, shed a few tears and pretty much made up! Huh??
So what was it? "A sexual Affair" or Drunken Snog Katie?
It gets better!
To add further confusion to the story we are now hearing that Katie herself may have also known about this for a while and how Kieran, according to a pal has called katie Mad when she confronted him about it.
So what's the chances that Katie ranted out to the world during a moment of madness, perhaps? She most probably feels a little down right now, after recently giving birth, being 6 months pregnant and knowing that her new hubby has been smooching with her best pal? Its a normal reaction right?
But in Katies world it goes beyond that as she's in the public eye and anything she says is played out on mass scale. She knew it would shame those around her and she certainly likes revenge doesn't she?
Buts it not all bad!
She got a lot of sympathy votes, even from supporters she may have lost over the years, it boosted her profile, she is back in the public eye for now, and its offered her back the support she was losing.
Or at least it did! If only she had carried the story for longer than half a day it may have further helped her career however it hasn't taken long for many people to already realise that this was probably just another Katie style publicity stunt..............
Damn you Derek for ruining it for her again!!!!!
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
SHOCK HORROR, BREAKING NEWS Katie Price Pregnant by love Cheat Husband!!!
In a bizarre twist which has happened directly after announcing to the world that she is 6 months pregnancy whilst not knowing about it, Katie price has now broken the news that she is........ wait for it...... divorcing her love cheat hubby Kieran Hayler after accusing him of having a full on sexual affair with her best friend Jane Pountney, No frigging way!!!!!
I don't know what to say accept Wow just WOW!
read more Gossip here below,
I don't know what to say accept Wow just WOW!
read more Gossip here below,
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