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Friday, 3 October 2014

Madeleine McCann Circus hits the headlines again!

Madeleine McCann Circus hits the headlines again!

Did any of you watch the Sky news report regarding the McCann's online abuse last night?

If you missed it, you can catch up on the story here 

I have mixed feelings about this, To be honest I don't think anyone has the right to abuse, promote abuse or encourage abuse towards anybody on line, however if you choose to publicly put yourself out there (and lets face it The McCann's didn't wasted no time in calling Sky), you're bound to get a bit of back lash. Although there's often positives in self promotion also, generally that's just the way it goes!

Whether or not you feel its morally correct, people have no right to take the law into their own hands to get a reaction, that is a given,  however I fully understand the frustration regarding the Madeleine McCann case.

To say its suspicious is an understatement and the majority of abuse online seems to be fuelled by the peoples anger, people feel deceived by this story. The longer it has dragged on, the more evidence has comes to light, and the more suspicious it gets, yet still, nobody seems to want to answer any questions, some of which are incredibly viable.

What makes matters worse is the fact that you are labelled as a 'Troll' for questioning anything via twitter or Facebook, but why? for simply asking? of course that fuels more frustration and anger, its bound to. Whatever happened to freedom of speech?

Most administrators (of the facebook pages) do not and will not allow any kind of threatening behaviour, they often promote composure and calmness and will only ever allow evidential facts to be discussed. so why is it then OK to associate those who don't comply with the McCann theory as being somewhat insanely mental?

 I find it incredibly harsh to label all those who question the story trolls and Id actually go as far saying its verging on being offensive also. 
Many members are extremely intelligent  and are simply seeking justice for this Madeleine and that is there ultimate goal.

Lets not forget the McCann's have never faced a trial for this incident, nor have they ever been prosecuted for child neglect so who's to say who's right or wrong? the truth is, nobody really knows!

If the McCann's answered their Critics rather than choose to ignore it or spout out ridiculous answers such "ASK THE DOGS" (aka Gerry) then it may well subside a little but instead the way they choose to operate looks incredibly financial based. 'If it doesn't pay, they will not say'. I'm sorry but that is just not good enough especially when you claim to seek public support. If you want public support interact with them, if you are innocent (and you may well be) why the need for arrogance? 

As far as I can see, you are not doing much to keep the public on your side and you seem more interested in fighting anyone and anything that puts a stumbling block in your way, which only fuels the negativity.

No wonder people are sceptical! 

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