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Monday, 6 October 2014

Brenda Leyland becomes the next victim of the whole McCann saga!

Brenda Leyland becomes the next victim of the whole McCann saga!

I'm not going to refer to 63 year old Brenda Leyland as a McCann troll because to be quite frank she doesn't really deserve that title, it is far from the truth and she has certainly not acted in the way she has been reported to have, You only have to read her tweets to see that she was not exactly targeting abuse towards the McCann's but more so trying to spread the message to the world, as are many others (in fact thousands) who find the McCann's version of events to be unbelievable. Ironically though, those tweets from the pro McCann clan are by far the worse when it comes to being abusive, I've seen it and read it many times myself.

How can anybody possibly say that Brenda Leyland was targeting abuse by "wrongly accusing the McCann's" of having played part in the disappearance of Madeleine? have these people actually read the PJ files? most of the tweets Brenda posted were factual evidence sourced from the PJ files and in her defence the files are incredibly suspicious! So how is she wrong? the last I heard nobody knew the truth, nobody Knows what happened to Madeleine because she has never been found, therefore who are we to judge who is right or wrong? 

There has been no trial on this case and no convictions so we cannot determine the absolute truth about what really happened to Madeleine McCann but what seems to be recurring regularly is that for anyone who dares to disagree with the McCann's they get vilified for it, Just look at what's happened to the former detective Gonacalo Amarol even though his documentary and book "The truth of a lie" is very compelling and factual based may I add.

People may say that Goncalo is wrong as its simply just 'detective work' because he wasn't there when Madeleine went missing, I would say neither were the McCann's because they were too busy boozing at the time, so in actual fact both sides have a theory to tell but nobody can say who's is the truth. Questionably though Goncalo has never changed his theory throughout this whole case whereas the McCann's have changed their statements many times, many people would accuse them of tailoring the evidence to fit the case. who knows?
But surely we should be allowed to make up my own minds based on the evidence put before us? Why cant we to decide who we want to believe?

#Skynews and #MartinBrunt have gone a step too far this time, unlike Brenda, who only ever tweeted about the McCann's on line, they thought they were justified in actually going one step further by turning up on her doorstep. They targeted her and humiliated her publicly.They outed her and felt justified in showing the world what she looked like and where to find her, she must have been scared out of her wits. How is this not victimisation? how is this not trolling also? Do you think this is fair? 

I actually don't blame Brenda Leyland for having an anonymous twitter account (aka @Sweepyface) to speak her mind, because lets face it, those who dare speak out against the McCann's are doing so at their own risk, expect to be threatened, expect to be sued, and expect to be dragged to court. First it was Tony Bennett, then Amarol and now this poor women has lost her life. 

Enough is enough, Brenda is not alone in her thoughts so why did sky target her in such a ridiculing way?

#Skynews explain yourself.......????

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