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Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Brenda Leyland, trolls and tribulations!

Brenda Leyland, trolls and tribulations!

Brenda Leyland was found dead following interrogation into her private life and identity when #Skynews turned up on her doorstep unexpected.

She was unfairly accused by Sky of troll like behaviour, via twitter, under a secret anonymous account  aka @sweepyface. Sky were thought to have gained this information from a secret dossier compiled by pro #mccann support and its reported that the dossier may have been handed into the police for further investigation around early September.

How Sky got hold of that information is another question?

Its been reported that this dossier contained a compilation of hatred and annoyance on social network sites, which was deliberately targeted towards Kate and Gerry McCann, the parents of missing Madeleine McCann. 

Apparently the Police were never investigating Brenda Leyland and rightly so because you only have to look at the difference between the kind of tweeting she did in comparison to those who tweeted her, In my opinion these are real trolls.

Take a look at the disgust,

Its hardly surprising that the Police wouldn't investigate Brenda because at worst she tweeted 'I hope they suffer' and she called someone a 'f***tard but hardly extreme abuse, and never targeted directly to the McCann's because they are not on twitter, and nor do they read tweets, according to Gerry McCann.

So its suspiciously looking more like some sort of planned movement deliberately enforced by the Pro McCann. Perhaps Police weren't too fussed about this dossier? perhaps its not as serious as they proclaim it to be? its certainly not as vulgar when you compare it to those tweets above, that's for sure!

Maybe that's why Sky news were called in? !!!

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