OOPS Chezza caused quite a storm on twitter following her performance on X Factor Sunday night, The newly wed pop princess appeared to miming to her latest hit 'I don't Care' much to the disappointment of viewers.
To make matters worse, Gaby Roslin insisted it was LIVE on this mornings 'Good Morning Britain' during an interview with last nights booted off contestant Lola Saunders.
According to Gaby .....
"Well, she actually pre-recorded her song but she sung.............Live! That's the absolute official line, because of the set, because of her outfit. Yeah OK!
"You know what everyone just wants to Cheryl Bash" Huh, ironic isn't it considering she bashes other contestants on the show, who actually do perform live!
So Hold on, what was Gaby watching because this is a downright lie, what are they paying you Gab to contrive utter cods-wallop?
.........she was Deffo miming so shove that in your cake hole cuz I dont care Aw naw!
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