The 15 year old actress Spencer Lacey Ganus who voiced the teenage character of Elsa in the Disney Blockbuster movie Frozen apparently only got paid a mere snippet from the reported $1.2 billion made at the box office.
When we say mere snippet we're talking a tiny $926, I mean if true that is absolutely shocking. Compared to the Huge profitable success that this movie made.
You could say that this young star made a snowflake out of a storm of success!
Reports are yet to be confirmed however TMZ have claimed that they saw her contract which stated she would be paid a one day, one-off payment for the work she did on the movie, and that's it!
But considering the Triumphant success of the movie which wouldn't have been predicted at the start, surely they could have given her a few extra quid out of those massive profits? Tight buggers!
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