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Thursday, 23 October 2014

Tesco profits down, chairman set to quit!

Tesco Profits down, Chairman set to quit!

Tesco have reported a surge in profits, its reported a 92pc fall in pre-tax profits. The retail giants profit surge is thought to be at around £263m and much larger than the initial forecast of £250m.

Chairman Sir Richard Broadbent has announced that he will stand down once the newly appointed chief executive Dave Lewis is established, Its thought it will be some time next year.

It begs the question, why is Tesco suffering?

lately it seems that the situation for Tesco is going from bad to worse. Tesco are losing their custom to competitive retailers and people are not connecting with the brand in the way that they used to. 

Retail giants such as Asda, Sainsbury's, and Waitrose have always been a competitive source for the brand but lets not forget that they are all in competition with each other also, so why is Tesco struggling the most?

It could be that newer brands such as Aldi and Lidl are now very credible game players, over the last few years these smaller brands have grew and are continuing to grow, people are using these supermarkets more so now than ever before and the big reason being, it must be cheaper. 

Its no secret that people have suffered hard times in this country over the last few years, household incomes are now much less now than what they once were. Weekly Grocery shopping is a big expense for many families and at a time were people are cutting back and trying to save the pennies we aim to get more for what little we have. If that means that we can get cheaper food elsewhere whilst retaining quality, then so be it!

Now Tesco.... Word of advice, listen to the consumer......!!

Speaking of which, I've recently been in contact Tesco myself, I have a great marketing strategy for supermarkets. Tesco as you are aware I reached out to you first of all mainly because its obvious you are need of some drastic change. This idea may make a difference if only you could be bothered to look at it?

I'm a consumer but I don't shop at Tesco, But if you were to use my idea, I 100% would, and after running it by many of my friends and family who also prefer other brands to Tesco, they all concluded that they would shop there too, hence my reason for approaching you!

But because I'm not a university graduate with a degree in marketing, I suspect you feel I'm not qualified to approach major brands with new ideas. If that's the case, its a shame because no doubt you pay your employers (within this field) vast amounts of money to do this job, yet what they are doing to help promote business, is obviously failing!

The balls in your court!

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

X factors Cheryl, "disgusting" slams former contestant Katie Waissel.

  1. X factors Cheryl, "disgusting" slams former contestant Katie Waissel.

  2. The former X factor contestant Katie Waissel is not a massive of fan of comeback queen Chezza.

  3. She branded her "disgusting" when referring to her actions on this years show then later confessed her own thoughts on the show.

  4. ‘She’s the only one who’s been disgusting to be honest, to make such comments, you’re like, “Wait, who are you?”
    ‘It’s annoying, it’s not even TV, it’s just nasty. Simon Cowell has given her a second chance. She should make the most of it. It’s a bit of a s**t show, to be honest.’
    closely followed by,

  5. ‘If I could turn back time and not fill out that form, I would give every penny in my bank account to do so.’
  6. So what are our thoughts on this?
  7. people often speculate about it being a fix or a shambles, former x factor winners do not have the best reputation when it comes to success- with only a mere few making it big, and its blatantly obvious that some are put through for entertainment purposes over talent.
  8. Katie Waissel was never a popular contestant, her eccentricity caused quite a stir-with her own stint on the show, so its no surprise then that her latest comments have not gone down well with everyone, But lets not forget, Katie was never one to shy away from speaking her mind and since she has experienced the whole charade herself im intrigued to hear more!

Brenda Leyland, trolls and tribulations!

Brenda Leyland, trolls and tribulations!

Brenda Leyland was found dead following interrogation into her private life and identity when #Skynews turned up on her doorstep unexpected.

She was unfairly accused by Sky of troll like behaviour, via twitter, under a secret anonymous account  aka @sweepyface. Sky were thought to have gained this information from a secret dossier compiled by pro #mccann support and its reported that the dossier may have been handed into the police for further investigation around early September.

How Sky got hold of that information is another question?

Its been reported that this dossier contained a compilation of hatred and annoyance on social network sites, which was deliberately targeted towards Kate and Gerry McCann, the parents of missing Madeleine McCann. 

Apparently the Police were never investigating Brenda Leyland and rightly so because you only have to look at the difference between the kind of tweeting she did in comparison to those who tweeted her, In my opinion these are real trolls.

Take a look at the disgust,

Its hardly surprising that the Police wouldn't investigate Brenda because at worst she tweeted 'I hope they suffer' and she called someone a 'f***tard but hardly extreme abuse, and never targeted directly to the McCann's because they are not on twitter, and nor do they read tweets, according to Gerry McCann.

So its suspiciously looking more like some sort of planned movement deliberately enforced by the Pro McCann. Perhaps Police weren't too fussed about this dossier? perhaps its not as serious as they proclaim it to be? its certainly not as vulgar when you compare it to those tweets above, that's for sure!

Maybe that's why Sky news were called in? !!!

Monday, 6 October 2014

Brenda Leyland becomes the next victim of the whole McCann saga!

Brenda Leyland becomes the next victim of the whole McCann saga!

I'm not going to refer to 63 year old Brenda Leyland as a McCann troll because to be quite frank she doesn't really deserve that title, it is far from the truth and she has certainly not acted in the way she has been reported to have, You only have to read her tweets to see that she was not exactly targeting abuse towards the McCann's but more so trying to spread the message to the world, as are many others (in fact thousands) who find the McCann's version of events to be unbelievable. Ironically though, those tweets from the pro McCann clan are by far the worse when it comes to being abusive, I've seen it and read it many times myself.

How can anybody possibly say that Brenda Leyland was targeting abuse by "wrongly accusing the McCann's" of having played part in the disappearance of Madeleine? have these people actually read the PJ files? most of the tweets Brenda posted were factual evidence sourced from the PJ files and in her defence the files are incredibly suspicious! So how is she wrong? the last I heard nobody knew the truth, nobody Knows what happened to Madeleine because she has never been found, therefore who are we to judge who is right or wrong? 

There has been no trial on this case and no convictions so we cannot determine the absolute truth about what really happened to Madeleine McCann but what seems to be recurring regularly is that for anyone who dares to disagree with the McCann's they get vilified for it, Just look at what's happened to the former detective Gonacalo Amarol even though his documentary and book "The truth of a lie" is very compelling and factual based may I add.

People may say that Goncalo is wrong as its simply just 'detective work' because he wasn't there when Madeleine went missing, I would say neither were the McCann's because they were too busy boozing at the time, so in actual fact both sides have a theory to tell but nobody can say who's is the truth. Questionably though Goncalo has never changed his theory throughout this whole case whereas the McCann's have changed their statements many times, many people would accuse them of tailoring the evidence to fit the case. who knows?
But surely we should be allowed to make up my own minds based on the evidence put before us? Why cant we to decide who we want to believe?

#Skynews and #MartinBrunt have gone a step too far this time, unlike Brenda, who only ever tweeted about the McCann's on line, they thought they were justified in actually going one step further by turning up on her doorstep. They targeted her and humiliated her publicly.They outed her and felt justified in showing the world what she looked like and where to find her, she must have been scared out of her wits. How is this not victimisation? how is this not trolling also? Do you think this is fair? 

I actually don't blame Brenda Leyland for having an anonymous twitter account (aka @Sweepyface) to speak her mind, because lets face it, those who dare speak out against the McCann's are doing so at their own risk, expect to be threatened, expect to be sued, and expect to be dragged to court. First it was Tony Bennett, then Amarol and now this poor women has lost her life. 

Enough is enough, Brenda is not alone in her thoughts so why did sky target her in such a ridiculing way?

#Skynews explain yourself.......????

Friday, 3 October 2014

Madeleine McCann Circus hits the headlines again!

Madeleine McCann Circus hits the headlines again!

Did any of you watch the Sky news report regarding the McCann's online abuse last night?

If you missed it, you can catch up on the story here 

I have mixed feelings about this, To be honest I don't think anyone has the right to abuse, promote abuse or encourage abuse towards anybody on line, however if you choose to publicly put yourself out there (and lets face it The McCann's didn't wasted no time in calling Sky), you're bound to get a bit of back lash. Although there's often positives in self promotion also, generally that's just the way it goes!

Whether or not you feel its morally correct, people have no right to take the law into their own hands to get a reaction, that is a given,  however I fully understand the frustration regarding the Madeleine McCann case.

To say its suspicious is an understatement and the majority of abuse online seems to be fuelled by the peoples anger, people feel deceived by this story. The longer it has dragged on, the more evidence has comes to light, and the more suspicious it gets, yet still, nobody seems to want to answer any questions, some of which are incredibly viable.

What makes matters worse is the fact that you are labelled as a 'Troll' for questioning anything via twitter or Facebook, but why? for simply asking? of course that fuels more frustration and anger, its bound to. Whatever happened to freedom of speech?

Most administrators (of the facebook pages) do not and will not allow any kind of threatening behaviour, they often promote composure and calmness and will only ever allow evidential facts to be discussed. so why is it then OK to associate those who don't comply with the McCann theory as being somewhat insanely mental?

 I find it incredibly harsh to label all those who question the story trolls and Id actually go as far saying its verging on being offensive also. 
Many members are extremely intelligent  and are simply seeking justice for this Madeleine and that is there ultimate goal.

Lets not forget the McCann's have never faced a trial for this incident, nor have they ever been prosecuted for child neglect so who's to say who's right or wrong? the truth is, nobody really knows!

If the McCann's answered their Critics rather than choose to ignore it or spout out ridiculous answers such "ASK THE DOGS" (aka Gerry) then it may well subside a little but instead the way they choose to operate looks incredibly financial based. 'If it doesn't pay, they will not say'. I'm sorry but that is just not good enough especially when you claim to seek public support. If you want public support interact with them, if you are innocent (and you may well be) why the need for arrogance? 

As far as I can see, you are not doing much to keep the public on your side and you seem more interested in fighting anyone and anything that puts a stumbling block in your way, which only fuels the negativity.

No wonder people are sceptical!