I have not felt so attached to a news headline for a very long time, Probably since the #babyP case and the #madaleinemcann too. The story of #AprilJones has once again touched the hearts of the nation and I for one cannot beging to Imagine what her parents are going through right now. I myself have a girl of the similar age and I look at ther now and think about poor April and is it selfish of me or just a mothers instinct to think, 'Im so relieved My girl is here safe and sound'?. I do not mean that in any bad way against #April, Of course not! but what Im trying to say is it kind of gives everyone a kick up the backside and certainly makes you realise how precious life is and that you should never take anything or anyone for granted.
It makes you wake up and realise to never asume kids are #safe in this world. I think most parents would agree that at some point we have all took our eyes off the ball, we have all had our off days, our rushing around days, days where distractions take over, money worrys or anything really that has left us being a little 'half soaked' with our kids! we have all made mistakes as parents! No body is a perfect parent, we learn from our mistakes and in some rare consequences the mistakes we make as parents are just too great and can not be resolved.
What I dont understand is that as soon as bad happens people are quick to judge those parents like they have never made a mistake ever! Yes #April jones was out too late, it was dark, what's it like in your house when its parents evening? I for one know that in ours everything becomes later than normal, we have our tea later, kids get to bed later, It happens! Thats life! #Apriljones's parents will have to suffer the consequences of their actions for the rest of their lives, if that ain't torterous enough they also now face public critism. People please, just think about your actions and ask yourself Is there anything you could have done or currently could do differently as a parent? have your children ever run across the road unattended? run off in a busy town? fell off their bike into the road? ever played outside and been out of your sight? have they ever witnessed and lived through domestic voilent relationships? pulled your hot cuppa off the side? bad things happens everyday. If you can be the absolute perfect parent, then I take my hat off to you, well done!
#AprilJones I'm sure your parents love you as much as anyone elses do, and if they could turn the clocks back now, none of this would of happened sweetheart, If only life was as simple as that!
I just hope and pray that the family get a conclusion to this tragedy, to be left wondering in limbo as #madeline's parents are must be the worst case scenario, I hope the family get closure and I hope people can be a little more supportive and a lot less judgmental.